Creating a QuizRace quiz is a quick and simple process. In this article, we will look at how to access the QuizRace editor tool, as well as the steps to create new quizzes.
Starting Out with QuizRace
- Go to
- You can choose between logging in with your personal account or your company account
- If you choose Company account, type in your company code and log in with the login flow your company has
- If you choose to log in with your personal account, you can either use phone or email
- Once you're logged in you will see three sections; Personal, Company and Global. These sections decide who will be able to see and play the QuizRace.
- To create a new QuizRace, click the
- From here you can start creating your very own QuizRace!
You can always move quizzes between Personal, Company and Global.
Creating a new QuizRace
- Give the QuizRace a title
- Choose a product image or keep the generic QuizRace image
Now you have created the quiz and you're ready to start making the content for it!
The different question types
There's a total of 3 different questions types to choose from when creating your quiz.
- Choose the time limit the player has to answer
- Enter the statement/question
- Add a question image (optional)
- Toggle on whether the statement/question is true or no
- Choose the time limit the player has to answer
- Add the question text
- Add a question image (optional)
- Add three alternatives and toggle which one is going to be the correct answer
Each multiple choice must have 3 alternatives and only one correct answer.
- Choose the time limit the player has to answer
- Add the question text
- Add the answer images
You can have up to 4 different images. The minimum amount of images you can have is two. Only one image can be the correct answer.
Hosting a QuizRace
Once you're ready to play or host a quiz, you simply click the button to get started. From here you have three modes to choose from:
Practice mode allows you to practice the quiz in a single player mode
Event mode is when you want to host the quiz live in a meeting, with colleagues, friends or at events.
Virtual Event mode is perfect for when you want to host your quiz virtually through, for example, Teams or Zoom. This way you can share your screen, which will display a static host screen to avoid lag. The track will run as normal and leaderboards will still be visible.
Once you have selected which way you want to host your QuizRace, you can have players join either by:
Code: Go to and type in the code
QR-code: Scan the QR-code on your phone
Link: Distribute the link on the host screen and have players join by clicking the link